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Dienstag, 15. November 2022

 #solosailing #oyster575 #liveyourdream

Perfect sailing conditions mid October Mediterranean Sea

Mittwoch, 9. März 2022

Sailing Balearic Islands in Winter 2021 / 22

 Solo-Sailing Vision in December

Extensive Winter Maintenance on Rig and Hull

Season Opening in February 2022 with a trip from Palma de Mallorca to Cabrera

On Passage from Cabrera to Cala Portals

Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2021

Change of plans: due to the fact, that the Caribbeans still maintain very restrictive COVID rules and unforeseen family matters that require my presence in Switzerland, VISION will remain in the Balearic Islands for time being. We will revisit our plans in due course.

Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2021

Update before departure to Canary Islands (likely to happen between 20 and 25 October 2021)

Departure to Canary Islands is planned between 20-25 October. Passage will take approx. 2 weeks. Short stops planned along the coast of Spain and Gibraltar. 

We did some nice sailing with family and friends around the Balearic Islands during summer. 

Fishing between Ibiza and Mallorca 

Nice sailing day
VISION at anchor

Nice sailing with family 

Montag, 10. Mai 2021

German text below: A new chapter starts. SY VISION is currently berthed in Palma de Mallorca. She gets ready for the next Atlantic Passage. The plan is to cast-off next October and sail her to Gibraltar and onwards to the Canaries.  Later in January 2022 the journey will continue towards the Caribbeans. 

English text above: Ein neues Kapitel beginnt. Zur Zeit liegt die SY VISION in Palma und bereitet sich auf die nächste Atlantiküberquerung vor. Diese beginnt im Oktober mit der Überfahrt nach Gibraltar und den Kanaren. Dann geht‘s im Januar 2022 weiter in Richtung Karibik.

SY VISION in Cabrera